
Driver Competence Testing

An independent 3rd party competence test can be a great way for your company to show that standards are being upheld. Insurance companies and the MTO CVOR Review Panels like to see such testing done, because the number of years of experience should not be your only gauge of driver competence, and internal testing can be gamed.link

We provide independent 3rd party driver competence testing for pre-employment testing, return to work competence testing, annual recertification or any other need you may have for drivers competence tests to be performed. A full report is delivered electronically within 48 hours with results and details, but satisfactory or unsatisfactory results notification can be provided within 90 minutes of test completion.

Driver Verification:link

All applicants must complete the test in-person and on-site, identity will verified with a ID check and challenge.


We operate a fleet of class A, B, C and D-Z vehicles. B and C Class Tests can only be done with automatic transmissions. Class D-Z and A-Z tests can be conducted on our automatic transmission or Eaton Fuller 10 speed non-synchronized manual transmissions. Clients are also able to provide their own equipment for testing, provided the vehicles are in good working order and properly insured.

Our tests include the following:link


Written Test Component:link

This is a competence test covering knowledge all drivers should posses. Drivers have 1.5 hours to complete the written test.  It consists of client select-able 30, 60 or 90 randomly selected multiple choice questions from a pool of over 300 questions covering:

  • Inspections
  • Hours of Service
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • General knowledge

Practical Test Component:link

The practical test is designed to recognize several things about the applicants. First general competence and ability to perform tasks that will be required on a daily basis. Secondly, it is designed to identify potential red flags that could indicate unsafe or irresponsible behavior while on the job. We seek to improve your companies on-road reputation among the general public, by weeding out aggressive drivers that give the rest of us a bad name. The practical portion of the test is 90 minutes.

  • Pre-Trip Inspection - Drivers must demonstrate capability to properly inspect components requested, as well as identify minor and major defects as per the appropriate inspection schedules and appropriate required response.
  • Coupling and Uncoupling (Class A Only) - Drivers must perform a safe and proper coupling and uncoupling maneuver as per generally accepted procedures.
  • Backing - Drivers must perform a safe and proper 90 degree and/or offset backing maneuver. Backing bays can be selected with 10.5 to 12 foot wide bays.
  • On-Road - The on-road portion of the test seeks to identify unsafe practices, improper or illegal maneuvers. It includes at least 3 right turns (tight and wide), 3 left turns (single and multi turn lane). In addition to general ability, we also look for behavioral indicators.
  • On-Highway - The on-highway portion of the test is to ensure drivers are able to merge, change lanes and operate among traffic in a safe and responsible manner.


Reports are produced electronically within 48 hours of test completion, they are delivered by email. Volume customers get access to our internal intranet where we securely store test result reports for no less than 10 years. The reports are maintained in a secure, tamper proof environment while being searchable and downloadable 24/7 by authorized carrier personnel.

Carriers are able to set pass marks and minimum years of experience equivalents, so they are able to target the level of driver they seek. All reports state the number of years of experience this driver appears to exhibit whether its:

  • no experience
  • 1 to 2 years experience
  • 2 to 3 years experience
  • 3 to 5 years experience
  • 5 to 7 years experience
  • 7 or more years experience

Our tests accurately gauge the level of entry-level drivers and experience drivers alike. The reports also display behavioral characteristics the operators exhibit via sliding scales for:

  • driver comprehension and communication skills
  • hazard recognition and response
  • driver aggressiveness
  • observation skills
  • space management
  • attitude.

Cost: $399 / applicant (Volume discounts available)link

If you have any questions or are interested, please call us at (905) 281 - 0764 or get in touch with us through our Contact Us form.